This is Kelsey post senior picnic deflating one of the beach balls. My surprise toys weren't the hit I thought they would be. So I have a bag of bubbles, beach balls, water guns, and frisbees in my trunk. I'm thinking regift.
Today is Liz's birthday. I was in cahoots with her daddy to get her this apron top. I loved getting this sweet pic of her sporting it with her b-day bud light. Thanks, Mr. M!
I stopped for iced coffee after my awesome haircut and saw this sign. Why are we so weird about sharing tables or sitting right next to strangers in public. I like this sign.
Good filler, Ms.E!
I'm gunna miss you and everybody at Booker T. :(
love the crooked tree sign.
i like the one that says something about pretending to be at dinner with your parents also.
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